Front-end Two Step (two factor) Authentication

Front-end Two Step (two factor) Authentication

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User two step authentication module allows to send either emails or sms messages with one time passwords for using them in the two step authentication while the accounts are accessed by the users on the front end.
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Two-step authentication is a method of identity verification that requires users to complete two steps to authenticate successfully.

Two-step authentication via user two-step authentication module

is done by sending either emails or SMS messages with one-time passwords.


authentication emails via user two-step authentication module

with one-time passwords is the default setting. To send

authentication SMS messages via user two-step authentication module

, the SMS service module must be installed and properly configured. The following SMS services are supported: Mobizon, Sinch Cix Communications, and Text Local SMS services. To activate these services, corresponding keys must be obtained from the service providers. If the SMS service is not available, the system will send an email by default.

If there are multiple front ends,

SMS service setup on separate front ends via user two-step authentication module

is possible.


email and SMS templates update via user two-step authentication module

is possible.


This module is used in the backend only.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets and pages are added to this module.
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