Support System

Support System

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Create FAQ answers with Support System module

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  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Support System module is a helpful tool that enables you to provide your customers with quick and proactive support.

With an up-to-date FAQ page, your customers can easily find the information they need, saving them time and improving their overall experience.

The Support System interface is user-friendly, making it simple to create, edit, and delete FAQ topics with just a few clicks.

You can also

manage FAQ topic status and sort order using Support System

module, and easily

find Support System topics with quick search


Additionally, you can

change products and sales channels with Support System

module easily.

You can also try out different options to

create SEO page names, titles, and texts with Support System


It is possible to

assign videos to FAQ topics, using Support System

module. Besides, you can

create meta page titles and descriptions with Support System


By utilizing Support System module, you can create a comprehensive knowledge base that covers all aspects of your products and services. This will help your customers find the answers they need quickly and efficiently, while also making your support team more productive.


This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under the Products/Catalogue, and Support System tabs.

Widgets and pages:

Support system filter and support system listing widgets are added to this module.
Reviews by osCommerce