SecurePay module

SecurePay module

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Integrate SecurePay gateway into online stores

with this module.
£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
SecurePay module enables seamless integration of SecurePay mobile payment gateway into your online store. Developed by The OLB Group, Inc., SecurePay offers PCI compliant technology that ensures the secure processing, transmitting, and storage of payment card data. By connecting your web store to the secure server in real time, this gateway provides automatic processing, catering to all your eCommerce needs. It supports major cards, PayPal, and Poli, making it versatile for various payment options.

The main options of the module include:
Merchant code integration:
  • Use merchant code to integrate SecurePay

    into your online store
  • Client ID and client secret usage: Securely authenticate and

    authorize transactions using SecurePay client ID and client secret

  • Test or live mode:

    Select test or live mode for SecurePay

    transaction server processing
  • Customizible order statuses and display order:

    Customize order statuses and sort SecurePay payments display order

  • Payment zone selection:

    Select payment zones for SecurePay transactions

  • Debug email address setup:

    Set up debug email addresses using SecurePay module

    to receive notifications and debug information

Furthermore, use additional functionalities to

configure SecurePay module visibility on pages

of your online store. You can

restrict SecurePay to customer groups,


define countries and translation options for SecurePay module.


This module is used in the backend and on the front end and its settings can be found under the Modules and Payment tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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