Report By Email

Report By Email

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Automatically generate sales data reports and send them by email

to external parties.
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  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Report By Email module offers the functionality of remote monitoring and sales analytics by generating reports and automatically sending them via email to designated recipients who do not have access to internal business documentation. It serves as a means to provide data to outsourcing companies involved in business process analytics and similar activities.

Generating reports is often a repetitive task. However, you can do it automatically, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

In the module settings, users can select one of three intervals and

send reports by email daily, weekly, or monthly.

For weekly reports, users can specify a particular day of the week, ensuring that the sales report, presented in an Excel table format, is sent to recipients on that specific day.

You can

add versatile information fields to reports using Report By Email module.

Such fields are: Product model, Product name, Order status, Platform name, Product price, Payment class, Payment method, Customer details, Customer newsletter, Trade-in information, Order date-time, Order date, Order time, Order ID, Order number, and Product ordered.

These fields can be easily added to the report as needed, allowing for customization based on specific requirements.

Report By Email module is designed to be extendable, enabling users to create multiple types of reports tailored to their unique needs. This flexibility is possible by incorporating new information into the module's settings, ensuring that it adapts to evolving reporting requirements.


This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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