Questionnaire module is a valuable tool for collecting and analyzing customer information.
It offers the following features:
- Questionnaire Groups: Create or view existing groups.
Customize questionnaire availability for logged-in customers
limit questionnaire voting to once per customer.
- Questionnaire Customization:
Set up questionnaire title, description, success message in multiple languages.
Changes made in one language are automatically applied to others.
- Question Creation:
Add or edit questions within each questionnaire group.
Choose from various types of questionnaire answers
- Single choice from provided options
- Multiple choices from provided options
- Yes or no answers
- Free text answers
- Answer Management: Manually
adjust sequence of answers and rank them with Questionnaire rating tool.
- Result Analysis:
Analyze questionnaire results per question.
Filter and generate PDF exports by time periods using Questionnaire calendar
- Customizable Widget: Easily
modify questionnaire widget template and apply it to pages.
Questionnaire module provides a comprehensive set of features for creating, customizing, managing, and analyzing surveys, enabling businesses to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions based on the collected data.
This module is used in the backend and on the front end and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.
Widgets and pages:
Questionnaire widget and page are added to this module.