Product Asset

Product Asset

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Product Asset module assigns identification numbers to products

ready for shipment.
£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Product Asset module can be standalone or integrated with DOA/RMA module for returned products.


Assign serial numbers manually or automatically with Product Asset module

. Also, you can

monitor assigned asset numbers using Product Asset module


It is possible to

unassign and reassign serial numbers in orders with Product Asset module

. It means that administrators can unassign a serial number and assign a new one in an order, if necessary.

Product Asset module is an indispensable assistant in working with serial numbers as they must be included in return requests, both from administrators and customers. Administrators must also specify the serial number when restocking a product, making it available for sale once again.


This module is used both in the backend and on the front end. In the backend it is available under the Products/Catalogue/Products Assets Fields, Modules/Extensions tabs and while adding/editing a product under the Main details tab, on the front end it is available while submitting a return request if a product that needs to be returned has the serial number.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets and pages are added to this module.
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