Product Additional Fields

Product Additional Fields

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add extra fields to product descriptions,

offering more detailed information across various platforms and languages.
£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements

Improve product clarity with Product Additional Fields

module. This tool lets you enhance your product pages by adding

custom fields for more detailed descriptions.

These fields allow you to provide extra information about your products, making your listings more informative and user-friendly. Whether you want to include product models, specifications, features, or multilingual descriptions, this module ensures your customers have access to everything they need to make informed decisions.

Use additional fields for more product details

to improve the clarity and appeal of your product pages, helping you stand out from competitors and better serve your diverse customer base.


This module is used in the backend and on the front end.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
Reviews by osCommerce