PrestaLink17 module

PrestaLink17 module

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Integrate PrestaShop 1.7.x with websites using PrestaLink17 module.

Add to library for logged only
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce platform that offers both free and premium features. It operates under the Open Software License (OSL) and is built using PHP programming language with MySQL as its database management system. The platform also relies on the Symfony PHP framework.

For shop owners who are currently using PrestaShop version 1.7.x and wish to migrate their shop to osCommerce, preserving order and customer information is often a priority. To address this need, PrestaLink17 module was developed. This module facilitates a seamless and efficient migration process by establishing an API connection. Here are the key actions supported by the module:
  • Migrate orders from PrestaShop to osCommerce using PrestaLink17

  • Migrate customers, addresses between PrestaShop and osCommerce with PrestaLink17

    in both directions.
  • Map order statuses between PrestaShop and osCommerce using PrestaLink17

    for better synchronization.


This module is used in the backend only and can be found under the Modules and Connectors tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets and pages are added to this module.
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