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Integrate Poli payment platform into online stores

£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Poli module provides a seamless integration of Poli payment platform with your online store. Poli is an excellent online payment option that enables Pay Anyone internet banking payments from a customer's bank account directly to the merchant.

With Poli, customers without credit cards or those who prefer not to use them for online shopping can enjoy a convenient and secure payment method. The module automatically pre-populates the payment amount, reference information, and banking details, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Upon payment confirmation, both the merchant and the customer receive a comprehensive payment notification, ensuring transparency and trust in the transaction.

Main options of Poli module:
  • Authentication and Merchant Code: Easily

    configure module by entering Poli authentication and merchant codes.

  • Payment Display Order:

    Arrange Poli payments display order

    to suit your preferences.
  • Order Status Management:

    Set process, paid and fail paid statuses for orders made using Poli

  • Flexible Configuration:

    Customize Poli module visibility on pages

    according to your requirements.
  • Customer Group Restrictions:

    Restrict Poli payments to customer groups,

    giving you greater control over payment options.
  • Localization and Translation:

    Define countries and translation options for Poli module

    to cater to different countries and languages.

By utilizing Poli module's comprehensive functionalities, you can enhance your online store's payment options, cater to a wider customer base, and provide a seamless and secure payment experience.


This module is used in the backend and on the front end and its settings can be found under the Modules and Payment tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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