Order Quantity Step

Order Quantity Step

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Sell products fractionally with Order Quantity Step module

if standard volumes or quantities do not meet your business requirements.
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  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
This module allows you to

set order quantity step size with certain multiplicity

by which product quantities increase. During purchase you can

count quantities as whole or fractional numbers with Order Quantity Step


For instance, let's say a shop owner sells rolls of linoleum, with each roll measuring 10 meters in length. While the product is measured in meters, the shop owner may prefer to keep track of inventory in terms of rolls. This can be achieved by entering "10" in the "Items to Virtual Item" field. Now, if the minimum quantity that can be sold is 0.2 of a roll, the "Order Quantity Step" field should be set to 2. Additionally, if other options for selling fractional parts of the roll are 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8, the "Virtual Item Steps (in Items)" field should be filled with "2;4;6;8;" (the first step, 2, should match the order quantity step value). Consequently, customers will see on the frontend that they can order a minimum of 0.2 from a 10-meter roll, with additional options of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, or the whole roll.

With the help of this tool, implementing fractional quantities with a specific step becomes effortless for any product you desire.


convert fractions into whole numbers using Order Quantity Step

module. As the system only operates with whole numbers, this module converts fractional numbers into whole numbers that the system can comprehend through a virtualization process.

Once you install Order Quantity Step module, you gain access to the "Order Quantity Step" and "Virtual Item Step" fields on the Product Details page in the backend. Here, you can set any value that determines how the product quantity will change.


This module is used in the backend and its settings can be found under the  Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

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