Order Flags and Markers

Order Flags and Markers

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Extend order list processing by adding markers and flags

Add to cart for logged only
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Processing orders requires precision and attention. Flags and markers improve order processing making it more efficient and easier to manage.


Flags and markers provide efficient and colorful order tracking

, by adding some color to the routine of everyday work. Administrators can instantly see the stage of orders by looking through the order list.


Use Order flags and markers module to group orders by flags

according to their corresponding color and its interpretation.

For example, a red flag indicates "Payment under review", a blue flag means "Question", a green flag means "Ready", and a yellow flag means "Reserved". For example, a red flag indicates "Payment under review", a blue flag means "Question", a green flag means "Ready", and a yellow flag means "Reserved". Similarly,

use Order flags and markers module to indicate status by markers

such as red for "Unconfirmed", green for "Ready", and yellow for "Checked". "Unconfirmed", green for "Ready", and yellow for "Checked".

Add and customize flags and markers, update their title and color, and

filter order lists based on required flags and markers



This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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