Cookie Notice

Cookie Notice

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Add cookie notice pop-up to website

with Cookie Notice module.
Add to cart for logged only
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements

Customize cookie notice pop-up message

, as well as the text for the cookie button to provide visitors with clear information about the cookies you use to comply with EU laws on data privacy and cookies.

The pop-up message can be something like "By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies, including web trackers (like Google Analytics, etc) in accordance with our Cookie Policy." You can also provide a simple "I accept cookies from this site" button for visitors to click.


Use Cookie Notice module to link to Cookie Policy Information Page

, where visitors can learn more about how you use cookies and why.


Cookie Notice module complies with EU laws on Data Privacy and Cookies

, ensuring transparency for website visitors about data usage.

Cookie Notice module is a necessary tool for any website that collects user data through the use of cookies, particularly those that receive visitors from EU or EEA member states. The module helps you build trust with your users and maintain compliance with important regulations.


This module is used both in the backend and on the front end, and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

The cookie notice and cookie notice popup widgets are added to this module.
Reviews by osCommerce