Humm (FlexiFi) module

Humm (FlexiFi) module

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Enable customers to view Humm credit plans on your website

£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
As a popular alternative to credit cards, Buy Now Pay Later services have gained traction in recent years. One such service is Humm, which offers a retail installment plan facility that allows customers to split the cost of their purchases into smaller, interest-free payments over a period of weeks or months.

Humm module facilitates this process by providing customers with visualizations of the installment plans available for their desired products during the online shopping. The module uses

API communication with the Humm platform to present installment plans

for the customer to choose from in a pop-up window.

Offer your customers

flexible payment options with Humm

. Allow them to manage their finances and make purchases that might otherwise be beyond their means. By integrating with the Humm system, online retailers can provide a more diverse range of installment plans and improve the shopping experience for their customers.


This module is used in the backend and on the front end and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

FlexiFi Credit Plan button widget shows up on both product and listing pages, and FlexiFiInfo shows up on the price calculator popup page.
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