Fedex Shipping Label module

Fedex Shipping Label module

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Integrate Fedex shipping label service with online stores.

£ Application Coming Soon
Coming soon
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Fedex Shipping Label module enables you to

create Fedex shipping labels for deliveries,

integrating seamlessly with your online store. Fedex offers a comprehensive range of shipping services to meet your shipping needs globally, covering over 220 countries and territories.

Whether you're shipping critical documents, packages, or freight domestically or internationally, you have the flexibility to choose from various shipping services. To use Fedex Shipping Label module, ensure that you have Fedex Shipping module installed.

With this module you can:
  • Select test or production mode for Fedex Shipping Label module.

  • Configuration of FedEx web services key, web services password, account number, and meter number
  • Set service key, password, account and meter number with Fedex Shipping Label

  • Configure ship-from address data with Fedex Shipping Label

    module, including the first line (required), second line (optional), city name (required), state or province name (required for Canada and US, optional), and postal code (required).
  • Select postal country for ship-from address using Fedex Shipping Label

  • Choose LB or KG for shipping calculations with Fedex Shipping Label

  • Select label image type with Fedex Shipping Label,

    including options like PDF, EPL2, PNG, and ZPL2.
  • Assign label stock type using Fedex Shipping Label

    module, such as paper_4x6, paper_letter, stock_4x8, and more.
  • Customize Fedex shipping labels display order

    for better organization.
  • Select from delivery methods using Fedex Shipping Label

    module, including options like Europe First International Priority, FedEx 1 Day Freight, FedEx Next Day Early Morning, and more.
  • Assign titles to delivery methods with Fedex Shipping Label

    module for better organization and clarity.
  • Additionally, Fedex Shipping Label module supports printing Fedex labels directly from your browser to ZEBRA PRINTERS. To enable this functionality, please install the Browser Print Application.

You can

offer Fedex shipping labels for the UK or worldwide with translation

options for the required languages.

Note: The module requires the installation of Fedex Shipping module and proper configuration to generate Fedex shipping labels accurately.


This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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