This module enables seamless integration of Braintree payment system to your online store. BrainTree is a reputable company that specializes in facilitating online and mobile payments for e-commerce stores. It provides users with convenient access to payment gateways and trading accounts. Braintree is a division of the renowned payment system, PayPal.
With this module, you can customize various settings, such as:
- Enable or disable acceptance of Braintree payments
- Set Braintree account merchant ID and merchant currencies ID
- Specify Braintree account tokenization API key, public API key, and secret API key
Enable 3D Secure option with Braintree module
for enhanced security
Use PayPal with Braintree module
Set order and transaction order statuses with Braintree module
Select payment zones for Braintree module
- Set a debug e-mail address for invalid transaction parameters
Sort order of Braintree display
Additionally, this module offers other useful functionalities. You can
set visibility on pages and restrict customer group usage with Braintree module
. It is also possible to
translate and apply settings to countries with Braintree module
In summary, this module provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for integrating Braintree payment system to your online store, with customizable settings to suit your business needs.
This module is used in the backend and on the front end and its settings can be found under Modules and Payment tabs.
Widgets and pages:
No widgets or pages are added to this module.