Bookkeeping Detail Report module provides you with a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation, enabling you to make informed decisions based on accurate data.
You can
work with sales data in table format, using Bookkeeping Detail Report
and easily access the following columns: Date, Order No, Nett, Zero, VAT, Gross Sale, Shipping, Insurance, and Banking.
To ensure maximum flexibility, it is possible to
choose date ranges with Bookkeeping Detail Report
to obtain data for specific periods using drop-down calendars.
Additionally, you can easily
export Bookkeeping Detail Report to CSV
with just one click to share and analyze the data in other applications.
With Bookkeeping Detail Report module, you'll be able to monitor your sales process, identify trends and patterns, and make better business decisions. This module is a valuable tool for any business owner who wants to stay on top of their financial performance.
This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under the Reports tab.
Widgets and pages:
No widgets or pages are added to this module. |