Managing Front Ends

In this blog post, we'll take you through the comprehensive process of managing front ends within your website's admin area, ensuring you have the flexibility and control needed for a successful online presence.

Steps to Manage Front Ends:

  1. Access the Admin Area:
    • Log in to your website's admin area, your central hub for configuring various elements of your online store.
  2. Navigate to Sales Channels:
    • Click on "Sales Channels" and then select the specific tab for the type of front end you want to manage (Physical, Virtual, or Marketplaces).
  3. Add or Toggle Front Ends:
    • Add a new sales channel by clicking the corresponding button.
    • Switch on/off the status of existing front ends with the Status switch.
  4. Customize Display Order:
    • Use the drag and drop function to change the display order of sales channels for improved visibility.
  5. Efficient Searching:
    • Utilize the Quick search feature to easily find sales channels by name and URL.
  6. Detailed Front End Configuration:
    • Edit a selected front end to:
      • View/update information in various sections.
      • Assign categories and products.
      • Configure settings.
      • Copy existing channels.
      • Choose themes and configure localization.
      • Set up working timetables.
      • Enable watermarks for added security.




7. Assign Categories/Products in Bulk:

  • Assign multiple products and categories to a specific front end using the bulk assignment feature.


8. Configuration Options:

Click on the Configuration button on the sales channels listing page to configure various options by choosing option groups and editing/deleting options as needed.






9. Duplicate Front Ends:

  • Copy an existing sales channel with a single click using the Copy button.


10. Assigning Theme to Sales Channel:

Click on the Choose theme button to assign a new theme to a certain sales channel, and check the previously assigned theme. See also:  Assigning_Theme_to_Sales_Channel_and_Deleting_Sales_Channel 





11. Configure Localization and Working Timetables:

  • Set languages, currencies, date/time formats, location services, and access restrictions.


  • Configure working timetables, including opening hours, postal cut-off times, and holidays.






 12. Watermark Setup:

  • Click on the Setup watermark button to enable and set up watermarks for images to enhance security.
  • Select image size (big, medium or small) and upload image(s) from the gallery. 


After setting up a front end, leverage it to assign different options efficiently. For more in-depth details, refer to the user guide on managing front ends here.

Effectively managing front ends empowers you to create a more responsive and customer-centric store. Thanks for reading and happy managing!

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osCommerce 4.x


New PayPal Module (Latest API 2.0)

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Shopping cart customizations


PayPal Express

APM (Alternative Payment Method)

Standard Variant

Advanced Variant



Front End

Install osCommerce for Me

Let me install myself

Multiple sales channels

Single active sales channel

Installation on your own server


App Shop

Adding Free Module

Admin Area

Adding Paid Module

Installing Module

Opayo Pi Module

Development Mode

Email Verification Before Registration

Managing Languages

Managing phpMussel

Managing Orders account

Creating Manual Orders

Managing Customers

Managing Customer Groups

Managing Brands

Managing Categories

Managing Filters on Categories

Managing Products

Managing Stock

Assigning Products and Categories to Front Ends

Assigning and Moving Products to Categories

Managing Default Sort Order on Product Listing and Category

Managing Cross-Sell and UPSell

Managing Reviews

Managing Attributes

Managing Product Groups

Managing Properties

Managing Suppliers

Managing Warehouses

Managing Sales Statistics and Purchase Report

Managing Stocktaking Costs

Managing Deleted Orders

Managing Coupons

Managing Virtual Gift Cards

Managing Sales Price

Managing Giveaways

Managing Featured Products

Managing SEO

Managing Meta Tags

Managing XML Sitemap

Settings of E-commerce Tracking for Google Tag Manager

Setting up GA4

Managing Pages

Managing Menus

Assigning Theme to Sales Channels

Deleting Sales Channels

Managing Translations

Managing Email Templates

Managing Catalog Pages

Managing Shipping Modules

Managing Payment Modules

Managing Order Structure

Managing Socials

Managing Extensions

Managing Managers

Managing Access Levels

Managing Back End Menu

Managing Configuration

Mail Sending via SMTP

Setting up SMTP

Status Groups

Order Statuses

Comment Templates

Stock Indication

Notify Me when in Stock

Stock Delivery Terms

Cross Sell Type

Cache Control


Managing Countries

Managing Counties and States

Geo Zones

Managing Cities

city settings

Postal Codes

Managing Taxes

Managing Currencies


Viewing Who is Online

Managing IP Restriction

Error Log Viewer

Creating Installation

Address Formats

Image Settings

Sales Tags

Managing Front Ends

Managing App Shop

Going Live with osCommerce

Affiliate Module

Awin Module

B2B Module

Business To Business module

Bazaarvoice Module

Managing Blog

Collection Points

Managing Competitors

Customer Code Module

Customer Modules Module

Customer Multi Emails Module

Customer Products Module

Delayed Despatch Module

Delivery Options Module

Fraud Address Module

Frontend Session Module

Invoice Number Format Module

Maximum Order Quantity

Merge Customers Module

Merge Orders Module

Minimum Order Quantity

Neighbour Module

One Trust Module

Order Flags and Markers

Pack Units

Covered by Coupon Module

Klarna Module

LiqPay Module

Mollie Pay

Pay360 by Capita Module

pxPay Module

RBS WorldPay Module

Tyl by NatWest Module

Personal Catalog

Personal Discount Module

Product Bundles

Product Collections

Product Easy View

Product Global Sort

Product Ignored Payment Methods

Product Ignored Shipping Methods

Product Press Reviews

Product Relocation

Managing Refer Friend

Bookkeeping Detail Report

Changes History Report

Compare Report

Deficit Product Report

Emails History Report

Report by Email Module

Expected Products Report

Managing Freeze Stock

In Cart Stock Report

Low Stock Report

Manufacturer Sales Report

Ordered Products Report

Purchase Report

Stock by Manufacturer Report

Summary Report

Updating Opayo Pi Module

Updating Opayo Server Module

Temporary Stock Report

Universal Log Report

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Managing DHL Shipping

Managing FedEx Shipping

Managing German Post Shipping

Managing Google Zones Shipping

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Managing TNT Express Shipping

Managing UPS Shipping

Managing United States Postal Service Shipping

Managing USPS Shipping

Opayo Server Module

Managing Support System

Managing Trustpilot Module

Managing VAT On Order

Zero Price Module

User Group Extra Discounts

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Configuring Opayo by Elavon Module for osc 2.2

Configuring Opayo Server for osc 2.2

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Products Sort in Stock First

Brand Estimated Delivery

Platform Restrict Login

Plain Product Description

Cron Scheduler

Success Cases

osCommerce v4

Theme Customization

Product Customization

Text Fields

Customer Personalization


