The Blog module allows you to create and manage blogs directly from your e-commerce website, making it easy to communicate with customers and attract new visitors.
Edit blog URL with Blog module
to customize your blog's web address, making it more memorable and SEO-friendly.
Blog module supports multiple languages
which means that you can reach a wider audience and connect with customers from around the world.
Add tags, dates, and SEO-friendly meta information to posts with Blog module
, making it easier for search engines to find and index your content.
Batch actions for managing categories and tags with Blog module
make it easy to organize and update a large number of posts quickly and efficiently.
Use Blog module to upload images from computer or gallery
, making it easy to create visually appealing blog posts that capture customers' attention.
Assign or unassign posts to sales channels with Blog module
so you can target specific groups of customers with your blog content.
add products to blog posts with Blog module
to make it easy to promote your e-commerce offerings and drive sales. With all of these features and more, Blog module is an essential tool for any online shop looking to create a dynamic, engaging blog that will help you build customer loyalty and attract new visitors.
This module is used both in the backend and on the front end, and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs in the backend and the Blog link on the front end.
Widgets and pages:
The index, post, categories and tags pages, as well as widgets for the blog categories list, blog tag cloud, popular blog posts and recent blog posts are added to this module. |